Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Just a Tip... A First Look

Most of my couples plan on keeping with tradition and waiting until the processional music starts before they see each other on their wedding day. It's a beautiful tradition and there is definitely something romantic about the bride appearing ethereally at the end of the aisle. However, if my couples ever ask for my opinion I strongly suggest they go for the "First Look" instead.

A First Look, for those who don't know, is a private meeting of the couple BEFORE the ceremony (gasp!) witnessed only by the photographer (though you could, of course, include your family or wedding party if you would like). The setting is usually a gorgeous backdrop for photos or a very personal location such as your first home or where you met (assuming it's close to your wedding venue). The groom sees the bride approaching from afar or the bride taps the groom on the shoulder and he turns around to see her in all of her wedding gorgeousness.

So why do I so strongly suggest this? Let's start with the practical reason: timing. When a couple sees each other for the first time at the ceremony they have to get in all of their formal shots during the cocktail hour. Photos with the two of them, with their families, with their wedding party, with their families and wedding party, groom with bridesmaids, bride with groomsmen, etc. etc. etc. With the standard cocktail hour lasting one hour this is A LOT to fit in. More and more frequently couples are asking me how they can spend more time with their guests during their cocktail hour. The answer is definitely by doing a First Look! After the First Look you have time before the ceremony to complete some, or all, of those shots at a more relaxed pace -- which also makes for the best photos!

Now the personal reason. I don't usual inject my own wedding experience into my recommendations to my couples since every wedding is so personal and unique, however this is one I can never resist! Prior to my own wedding I would NOT have suggested a First Look. I couldn't wait to see my husband-to-be waiting for me down the aisle. And don't get me wrong, it was absolutely amazing. However these were the other thoughts going through my head:
"Don't trip... lace train is getting caught on the brick path..."
"Oh good! So and so made it!"
"Is the weather going to hold out? Good it doesn't look like it will rain in the next 20 minutes".
"Oh my god I'm getting married!"

I was excited and nervous and all of a sudden I was in the middle of my own wedding! Looking back I would have loved to see my husband before the ceremony. It would have been wonderful to have just 5 minutes where the two of us could have a private moment to enjoy each other's presence before the whirlwind of our wedding day!

You can't go wrong with whatever you choose, but you may want to give the First Look a second thought!

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